Flavours of Friendship

There’s a wrong romanticized notion in our minds, all thanks to movies and books, about ‘perfect friendships’. But in real life, every friendship has it’s own kind of flavour. The friend who says ‘Call me when you reach home’, the friend who is always ready to bunk classes with you, the friend you can confidently call at 3 a.m., the friend who you know will definitely snatch away your chocolate, the friend who you can shoot up a text about all the random nonsense brewing in your head, the friend who becomes a last minute professor, the friend who helps you in the exam hall or the friend you’ve known for so long, you forget who’s the bad influence.

So, don’t fret about someone not fitting your ‘perfect friend’ mould. Instead, accept them as they are. Learn to enjoy their quirkiness and they will understand your weirdness.

In the dish of life, don’t miss out the seasoning of friendship.


I'm a happy personality with an old soul and many stories untold. I love watching TV shows and movies. A hardcore book lover and forever a Madridista. :)

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