If it’s amazing, it won’t be easy

“Logon ko haq jataana aata hai, rishta nibhana nahi”
A dialogue from the movie ‘Karwaan’ which loosely translates to ‘People know how to claim their right (in a relationship) but not taking up responsibility of it.’

It is not a secret. Any relationship takes work and commitment.

One of my friends once told, “Friendship is like a Snapstreak. It requires effort and intention from both the sides to maintain it.” This is something that struck a cord with me. We encounter many people, but it’s only a few that we feel are worth that mutual effort. But as time goes by and we ‘grow up’, drowning in to-do lists, running about meeting deadlines. We take people in our life for granted. Maybe it’s time we change that. Technology may make progress in leaps and bounds but nothing can beat human interaction.

I know everybody is as busy as a bee. But take some time from your busy schedules and spend time with the people you love, let them know they are a priority, get to know them better. Time is fleeting but regrets last a lifetime.

Peace, love and lollipops!

Reach for the stars…

If this World Cup has taught me something, it’s this. You never know when your life may change. Croatia was never considered a threat by any of the other teams. But they’ve managed to keep their cool and worked their butts off.

No matter how small you are, no matter how many hardships you have to face, never forget that your dreams are valid. If you are passionate about something, put your heart and soul into it. There is no shame in failing. The only shame is not giving your best shot. What may seen like a dead end is just a learning curve.

In a world filled with over achievers that are convinced you are an underdog, smash their expectations and emerge as a dark horse.

Peace, love and lollipops!

Don’t forget to breathe…

Do we really need to do everything RIGHT NOW?!

It freaks me out how people always worry about things to do or people to meet, movies to watch…lists and lists of things. Our lists are filled with so many bucket lists that we might eventually face a deficit of buckets. I know I exaggerated it but, you get my point. A ‘perfect life’ is overrated. If one thing is solved, two other things pops up. It’s like chopping the Hydra’s head.

I’m not suggesting you just give up all your goals and ambitions and live your life with no purpose. Instead, it’s the opposite. Work hard for what you want, but keep in mind that work is only a part of life, so are other things.

For a few minutes a day, live life in slow motion. Focus on your breathing. Be aware of how much you overlook it’s importance. Eat your next meal slowly instead of gobling it up or just for once, go on a slow walk on a familiar road and you’ll realize how many things have gone unnoticed. Leave your house without your mobile phone. You’ll understand how lost you feel without that tiny device to tap on.

In the race to have a better future, it’s not worth it to ignore the present.

Peace, love and lollipops!

And it’s all in the name of Love…

I’ve recently watched Love, Simon. I know most book lovers don’t like them being remade into movies. They lose the essence of it, I hear. But it’s because there are movies which have completely murdered the books.(*Cough* Percy Jackson *Cough*)

But that doesn’t mean all book adaptations are horrendous. I love it when actors bring life to the voice that’s been your head and you see things that you already have a mental picture of. You have to accept that they cannot stick to the entire plot and while it is slightly annoying, it also gives the readers a chance to look at it from a different perspective.

Coming back to the movie, I like the underlying theme that everyone deserves a love story. Where I come from, people do not approve the LGBTQ+ community. They are ridiculed and I’ve been given strange looks when I sat beside a transgender woman in a bus. The look of surprise on her face broke my heart. Their inclusion should be something normal and not a heroic act or a political statement.

A shoutout to all the people who’ve always been supportive of them. I believe in a world where people are not judged by their race, religion, colour, gender or sexual orientation. Even this post is my humble attempt to fight for them, because they are worth respecting and caring for. They are our fellow human beings. They are just like you and me.

Peace, love and lollipops!

Life of a wallflower

Actively avoiding the beam of limelight
they are not ordinary, not by a long sight
never belonging to a particular clique
a blend of transparence and mystique
with opinions as strong as The Hulk
yet stay silent when they know you’re gonna sulk
If you think imagination is no superpower
look at the world through the eyes of a wallflower

Flavours of Friendship

There’s a wrong romanticized notion in our minds, all thanks to movies and books, about ‘perfect friendships’. But in real life, every friendship has it’s own kind of flavour. The friend who says ‘Call me when you reach home’, the friend who is always ready to bunk classes with you, the friend you can confidently call at 3 a.m., the friend who you know will definitely snatch away your chocolate, the friend who you can shoot up a text about all the random nonsense brewing in your head, the friend who becomes a last minute professor, the friend who helps you in the exam hall or the friend you’ve known for so long, you forget who’s the bad influence.

So, don’t fret about someone not fitting your ‘perfect friend’ mould. Instead, accept them as they are. Learn to enjoy their quirkiness and they will understand your weirdness.

In the dish of life, don’t miss out the seasoning of friendship.