And it’s all in the name of Love…

I’ve recently watched Love, Simon. I know most book lovers don’t like them being remade into movies. They lose the essence of it, I hear. But it’s because there are movies which have completely murdered the books.(*Cough* Percy Jackson *Cough*)

But that doesn’t mean all book adaptations are horrendous. I love it when actors bring life to the voice that’s been your head and you see things that you already have a mental picture of. You have to accept that they cannot stick to the entire plot and while it is slightly annoying, it also gives the readers a chance to look at it from a different perspective.

Coming back to the movie, I like the underlying theme that everyone deserves a love story. Where I come from, people do not approve the LGBTQ+ community. They are ridiculed and I’ve been given strange looks when I sat beside a transgender woman in a bus. The look of surprise on her face broke my heart. Their inclusion should be something normal and not a heroic act or a political statement.

A shoutout to all the people who’ve always been supportive of them. I believe in a world where people are not judged by their race, religion, colour, gender or sexual orientation. Even this post is my humble attempt to fight for them, because they are worth respecting and caring for. They are our fellow human beings. They are just like you and me.

Peace, love and lollipops!


I'm a happy personality with an old soul and many stories untold. I love watching TV shows and movies. A hardcore book lover and forever a Madridista. :)

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